Chakra is a Sanskrit word which means wheel, cycle, circle etc. and it has originated from ancient Indian Yoga system and Tantra philosopy. They can be better described as the vortexes of energy located vertically along the spine, and they correspond to the spinal plexuses in the physical body.
To know more about chakra, its spiritual meaning and benefit please read this article. .
In this article we would be focusing on benefits of Chakra bracelet and it’s using procedure.
Benefits of using Chakra Bracelet
Lots of people has the question why should they wear Chakra bracelet. The main point of using Chakra bracelet is; it works with positive energy. In our everyday life we met problems which can bring negative energy and negative people and their influence also do the same to us. We also deal with our own negative thoughts. These all are strongest mind battles to overcome. It is believed that,Chakra bracelets are able to create Utopia which boosts happiness and enables people to think more optimistic about life.
Crystal & Gemstone used on our bracelet
However, many combination of crystal and gemstone can be used for making chakra bracelet but we have chosen the possibly best combination for our chakra bracelets.
- Root Chakra: Red Jasper,Red Tiger's Eyes,
- Sacral Chakra: Carnelian,Cat's eye
- Solar PlexusChakra : Yellow jade,Citrine
- Heart Chakra:Aventurine,Malachite
- Throat Chakra: Turquoise,Blue Sandstone,
- Thrid Eye Chakra: Lapis, Sodalite,Aquamarine
- Crown Chakra: Amethyst,Kunzite,Clear quartz
Some Chakra bracelet products in our collection has listed below