Moss agate is the semi-precious stone which is formed from Silicon dioxide. It contains green color mineral which looks similar as moss and maybe this is why people call it moss agate. Moss Agate has always been celebrated as a lucky charm. Since 18th century, British farmers started believing that Moss agate would help them by attracting prosperity to their land. They used to hang the Moss Agate stone from the branches of their trees and from the horns of their cattle, believing that this good luck talisman would bring a bountiful harvest.
Healing Properties
Physical healing: Very much like nature brings us back into the beautiful bloom of full health, the Moss Agate stone also ensures brimming with wellness so that we are always ready to live our best life. Like oxygen-rich plants, this stone works wonders on the immune system and delivers exceptional anti-inflammatory properties to give our body the boost it needs. Moss Agate stone help us to kick start our immune system and keep us fighting fit. This beautiful green swirling stone also helps us to stimulate a healthy digestive system, keeps our heart and circulation in full check, and even helps with brain imbalances.
Mental & Emotional Healing Properties: Many of us suffer with mood swing problem, Moss Agate could be just the stone for those people. This beautifully balancing stone always work to keep us feeling soft and stable and completely secure, no matter how much chaos the world around us is churning up. One of the best Moss Agate healing property is its uncanny ability to lift you up and let you linger in the glow of golden self-esteem. Its green crystal healing goes to work on balancing energies, whether you tend to be overly nurturing to the point of becoming a people pleaser or if you go the opposite way and struggle with feelings of raw aggression. As calming as a walk, as cleansing as a dip in a cold-water stream, and as restful as a summer nap in long grass, Moss Agate is a breath of fresh air to the wearer.
Metaphysical Properties: At the point when the body and brain are in amicability, it's the ideal opportunity for the soul to settle down and become sensitive to its general surroundings. Luckily, Moss Agate isn't bashful with regards to presenting mending properties in the otherworldly space as well. Just like nature, this stone attempts to relieve and quiet and assist us with feeling associated with the world. In the same way as other green stones, Moss Agate goes to deal with the heart chakra, guaranteeing there are no blockages there so that adoration and wealth can stream free and simple. Greenery Agate can be a fantastic apparatus to turn too with regards to sustaining incredible kinships and discovering an authentic sense of reconciliation in existing connections. It assists you with finding profound wonder by empowering calm thought.