Shungite water and its health benefit

Shungite water and its health benefit

Shungite stone was first discovered in the Russian Republic of Karelia in the eighteenth century and it’s named after a village in Russia called Shunga. Geologists have identified it as a form of carbon but have otherwise struggled to define its molecular structure.

There are two types of shungite. They are -

  1. Elite or noble shungite (94% carbon)
  2.  regular black shungite (64% carbon)

Shungite also contains sodium, oxygen, and hydrogen.

The amazing fact about shungite is that it contains trace amounts of fullerenes, the only molecular form of carbon & fullerenes are known for their ability to conduct electricity, in addition to other unusual chemical properties.


shungite water

Shungite can clean water and neutralize impurities. It is highly absorbent, enough to draw contaminants from water and when placed in water, fullerenes in shungite attract and eliminate waterborne contaminants. Shungite water is an umbrella term used to describe water infused with shungite rocks, including water that has been filtered with a special shungite water purifier. Shungite-filtered water is safe to drink without any additional purification process like boiling or chemical treatment

A shungite water purifier cleans water by removing: Phenol, Iron, Manganese, Chlorine, Nitrates, Nitrites, Bacteria & Microorganisms


Water infusion with shungite makes it acidic, so it requires alkalization before it can be consumed in large quantities. The ideal pH standard for drinking water is 7.2 to 7.3, whereas shungite water pH ranges from 3 to 5.5. Consuming large amounts of untreated shungite water can cause health problems like gastritis. Although dolomite and quartz sand can be used to reduce the acidity of shungite water. The quartz sand then traps heavy metals and radionuclides, helping to restore the structure of the water molecules.


Shungite water health benefits

Drinking clean, fresh water can benefit our health in many ways, and shungite water to be especially revitalizing because of the fullerenes it contains. It benefits the human body by normalizing cellular metabolism and increasing enzyme activity. Fullerenes boost the regenerative ability of human tissue and influence the exchange of neurotransmitters, which can improve a person’s resistance to stress.

Fullerenes also have antihistamine and anti-inflammatory properties, helping to relieve pain and suppress allergy symptoms. Shungite water science shows that fullerenes are effective even in very small doses and the benefits can last for months.

Other shungite water benefits include its antioxidant properties, which help to suppress free radicals. Many believe the antioxidant ability of fullerenes to exceed that of vitamin E, dibunol, and beta-carotene.

Some people living with psoriasis find that dabbing the skin with shungite water a couple of times a day is highly effective at treating their condition.

Drinking shungite water may also be beneficial in the treatment of diseases like Cardiovascular diseases, Kidney diseases, Liver diseases, Pancreatic diseases, Cholecystitis, Gastritis and dyspepsia, Gall-bladder problems, Anemia, Asthma, Chronic fatigue, Arthritis

Because of its quality and purity, shungite water is an excellent addition to any detox program. Athletes and gym-goers can also drink shungite water after a workout to help revitalize fatigued muscles.



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